Has iPhone become a status symbol?
Has iPhone become a status symbol for the users in metro cities? We are in the 21 century. We are at the pinnacle of developing technology. We are in the era where the colour of our skin determines our qualifications and our bulky pockets determine our status in society. The hierarchy of precedence was created by us and is being advocated still. Flashing expensive things publicly has become the new trend for developing a status symbol. Status symbol is considered to be the ultimatum by many because it determines our stand in society.Machines are becoming more humane and humans are turning into machines.For every decision which we ponder upon, the first question which strikes our mind is, 'Log kya kahenge' ? We still play who's the richest of them all. But the rules have slightly been altered.Now our smartphones decide our status symbol.They decide in which subclass of the human hierarchy will we be placed. Usage of status symbol in metro cities: Education has become a b...